Friday, July 2, 2010

Webspace Oddity

The lack of editing and editorial control in the media often makes me shake my head. As much as a lot of these people are being paid and given the amount of them, you'd think a typo or boo-boo would be the exception rather than the rule. Today's strange anomaly has me wondering just what is behind it.

This morning, I followed my regular routine of sitting in front of my computer and sifting through the headlines via Google News. That's when I came across this:

After the jaw-dropping double-take, I clicked on the link:


Even though the headline on Google News from above read "We's" and it was in the link itself, the articles' headline was different:

Google News, the link, and the article itself have since been changed as of about 9:30AM PST.

All of this begs to question: Is this an incident of blinding racism that slipped through the cracks, or just a blunder of cosmically unlucky coincidence? In either event, I think I can speak for all of us when I say, we's all very interested to find out.