Friday, November 27, 2009

Adam Lambert Is Gay. We Get It.


The entertainment news is full of anger and outrage today because following the cancellation of Adam Lambert's Good Morning America appearance, it was learned an interview and performance was scheduled for Chris Brown. Feminists and Gay Activists are wondering why a rapper convicted of abusing his girlfriend rates over an openly gay singer. Like anything, there's more to this story.

Adam Lambert is gay. This is supposed to mean something to us. Why? I'm not sure, but we're just supposed to go with it. As is the ABC Network. The evil, gay-hating, abuse-loving ABC Network. Dirty, naughty, bad ABC Network....had enough yet? Me too.

ABC aired the American Music Awards. They commissioned Lambert to give a performance during the awards. Lambert rehearsed his act in front of the producers and censors and it met their approval. However, this was not the performance that Lambert gave when the awards aired. He completely changed his performance, and he added several lewd acts in the mix. This caused viewer outrage and a backlash which ABC may or may not recover from.

Following his AMA performance, ABC canceled Lambert's appearance on the Good Morning America show, because even though they'd barely skated by the previous night due to the time he gave the performance, they didn't want to take a chance of him pulling more shenanigans during a morning slot when they definitely would be fined.

Yep, that pretty much says it all...

I bet ABC feels like this guy right about now.

The truth of the matter is, Chris Brown was booked way before any of this even happened. If you haven't been living under a rock, you've heard of the Chris Brown hoopla. It's been out for months, and his scheduling for Good Morning America was to be in response to Rhianna's recent interview. It's also a lot more important than Adam Lambert trying to extend his fifteen minutes of fame in the entertainment world.

Is entertainment news really important at all? No. Does a famous superstar couple airing their dirty laundry in the media beat out an attention queen with a gay agenda acting the part on a music awards show? Yes.

Yet still, we have to hear about how this is discrimination against gays, and how we're supposed to accept Lambert's irresponsible acts because it's all about gay rights and freedom of speech. Well, Adam, here's a clue: If you want to exercise your freedom of speech--go right ahead, but do it on your own dime, not someone else's.

Are we really going to blame ABC for reacting this way after the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake fiasco? Adam Lambert didn't just go with the flow once he took the stage, this was a completely planned out ruse. He deliberately auditioned one act to pass the censors, and then bent ABC over and rammed it home the minute he took stage. All so he could push his gay agenda, and cause a big enough controversy to make the headlines.

What is ABC's message to Lambert in all of this? You deceived us and put us in a compromising position. We can't afford to be fined for your puerile little whimsies. We no longer trust you. Have a nice career on another network.

What is my message to Lambert in all of this? You're gay. We get it. No one cares. Being gay doesn't make you special anymore than being straight makes me special. You either have talent, or you don't. Your gay agenda has no place here. If you have to shove your gayness in everyone's face to get them to notice you, then you're a no-talent hack who needs to quit music and go be a tax lawyer.