I'm not sure which was more ironic. That the party that calls themselves Democrats acted in a manner which completely defied everything within the ethos of Democracy, or that our Congress voted into effect a day to commemorate the Cold War Veterans while voting in the biggest piece of Socialist Legislation in the history of this country at the same time. Somehow, I think all of those men and women who fought, periled, and perished in the fight against Communism and Socialism do not feel honored by this.
For years now, I have heard many people refer to Liberals, Democrats, and the Left as Communists and Socialists. I myself have noticed these behavioral patterns and have used these terms to describe them. However, after yesterday, watching their complete incompetence and ineptitude, I wondered to myself: Just how good a Communist are they? After some minor research, I came to the conclusion: Not very.
To truly understand Communism, you have to start with the father of the ideology--Karl Marx. The basic concept of Marxism revolves around a theory that Capitalism, like Feudalism before it, is a flawed socioeconomic system which will eventually fail and be replaced by Socialism. Socialism would, in turn, lead to a "stateless, classless society" he called Pure Communism.
In order for this to happen, a transitional period which he termed "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat" had to occur. Marx believed there were two basic classes in a Capitalist society. The Bourgeoisie (Capitalists--e.g. Entrepreneurs) and the Proletariat (Working Class). In order for Socialism to come into effect, the Proletariat had to rise up against the Bourgeoisie and take over causing this Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
According to Rosa Luxemburg, a turn of the century Marxist theorist and philosopher:
"This dictatorship consists in the manner of applying democracy, not in its elimination, but in energetic, resolute attacks upon the well-entrenched rights and economic relationships of bourgeois society, without which a socialist transformation cannot be accomplished. This dictatorship must be the work of the class, and not of a little leading minority in the name of the class — that is, it must proceed step by step out of the active participation of the masses; it must be under their direct influence, subjected to the control of complete public activity; it must arise out of the growing political training of the mass of the people."Given this definition, the only conclusion one can come to is: If the Liberals are really Communists, they are failing miserably. 75% of Americans did not want anything to do with the Health Care Bill. They not only didn't want it passed, they wanted it killed. If this isn't a "little leading minority in the name of the class," I don't know what is. They may control the Congress, but this is 253 people speaking for 308.9 million people--3/4 of which are opposed to their agenda.
Adding further insult to injury, Marxist canon is fundamentally opposed to liberal democracy. Marx believed that the capitalist state cannot be democratic by its nature, because it represents the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. He viewed liberal democracy as an "unrealistic utopia," because in a capitalist state all "independent" media and most political parties are controlled by capitalists and one either needs large financial resources or to be supported by the bourgeoisie to win an election.
After researching this, it is little wonder that most Left-Wing ideologues have largely rejected Marx and Marxism. This raises the question: If you reject Karl Marx and the philosophies of Marxism, how can you call yourself a Communist? The answer is, you can't.
This leads us to one final question: They're not Americans, they're not Capitalists, they're not Socialists, they're not Communists...so what are they? In a word, culls.