I was going to entitle this article: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Speak to the Voices In Al Franken's Head, but that was just too long-winded. Much like any thought that has ever come out of Al Franken's brain. It also was too all-encompassing and perfect. With a title like that, there's little room for a story. You might as well cut and print, cause you said it all. Runners-up were: Who Didn't See That Coming? and Vaseline Sales Skyrocket, Experts Say: 'No End In Sight.'
With a week which included a massive disaster of an oil spill, The Audacity To Tell A Mexican "No", The Great Elena Kagan Scare of 2010, and 75% of Washington, D.C. running scared for their jobs, it's little wonder the Democrats got winded this week, giving a small victory of sorts to the Republicans.
John Boehner got to tell everyone I told you so this week when the Congressional Budget Office reported that the Health Care Bill will cost an additional $115 Billion. This would bring the original $938 Billion bill to over $1 Trillion, as was predicted by Republicans, but furiously denied by House Democrats.
So take a moment to let this sink in...the Democrats lied to us.
Now, normally this would be the part where we scream "NO!" and fall down the exhaust shaft. However, the response was more of: "Hey, slow news day, let's check out The View." In all seriousness, who was surprised at this?
If you're a conservative-minded American and are opposed the Health Care Bill, as most Americans are, you knew this already and were just waiting for the moment when the Democrats would have to come clean. If you're a liberal-minded American who is for the Health Care Bill, you don't care that it's going to cost more, because it's not your money being spent anyway.
So as the Spin Doctors start crawling out of their crevasses like cockroaches, let me spare you a lot of time and trouble. This isn't a political move by Republicans. This information is true. The information is not being misinterpreted, over-exaggerated, or skewed. The Democrats lied. The End.
Now, some of you may be thinking this is an unfair summation. You may also be wondering how I came to this conclusion. Well, unlike the Chinese Arithmetic used to concoct the numbers on the Health Care Bill, this equation was as easy as 1+1=2.
The Democrats always lie, because they have to. Their political views and agendas are so completely off base from that of the American people, that they have to lie. They have to lie, cheat, steal, conspire, connive, and anything else that their corrupt, diseased minds can think of, because there is no other way for them to pull off their endgame. In their minds, the American people won't buy it any other way.
Which is perfect, because it completely plays into their entire ethos of elitist tripe. After all, anyone who is not one of "them" is so stupid and uneducated, there's no way they wouldn't be stupid and gullible enough to fall for it. We're like mushrooms to them. If they keep us in the dark and feed us full of manure, we'll just keep soaking it up.
Everything they stand for is 180 degrees from anything American or what America is about. They are the enemy of the American people. More so than the Terrorists or any other threat we face, they are the enemy within. While we fight wars abroad in a vain attempt to keep the enemy at bay, these Progressive Socialists are right here in this country, and they are trying to destroy us and our way of life by using our own rules against us.
Sorry Liberal Leftists, I just outed you. Do you think we can still be friends?
Now, don't get me wrong, this is not an endorsement for the GOP in any way. If you think you're going to solve this problem by hanging your hat on the Republican ticket, think again. The RNC is in shambles. They have completely forgot who they are and what they stand for. There isn't a single eligible Republican Candidate out there who has the cojones to be a real Conservative and stand up for the American people and against their own party. At this point in time, I would frankly be leery of any one of them who did, because the odds of it being a sheer political ploy to get elected so they can continue with politics-as-usual would be 20-1 and the fix is in.
So what is the answer? The only answer to our current problems is obvious and crystalline in nature. We need to completely clean house. We need to boot out every incumbent and replace them with new blood. What we can't replace in this election, we need to replace in 2012--including Obama himself. Regime change, American-style.
The American public needs to send a message to Washington, clearly and succinctly--we're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore. We're done with you. Goodbye and good riddance.