Since when did making a completely pointless, irrelevant rebuttal to something become an "in" thing?
Man #1: I like chocolate.
Man #2: Oh yeah? Well the sky is blue!!!!
Is this insanity or stupidity? I can't figure it out. When was the exact point where society failed on a level where we actually think it's okay to speak our minds when we completely lack the faculties to engage in such a process?
The correct process for a debate is one person makes a statement, and then the other person makes an opposing statement. In order to compete in the debate, the opposing statement must be in direct correlation to the original statement.
Man #1: I like chocolate, it is the best.
Man #2: The subject of taste differs from one person to the next, which means it is completely dependent upon personal opinion. Where chocolate may be "the best" to you, someone else could prefer vanilla. Either way, it is an issue of opinion and not fact. Personally, I prefer vanilla.
In today's society, there is an increasing opinion that you can actually win an argument by subverting the issue with nonsensical, irrelevant vapor. Even worse, people witness this behavior every day and don't speak out against it. Ignorance, like mushrooms, grows best in dark, damp places. Every time we don't shine the light on it, we're asking for some monster Death Caps.
Furthermore, when did derision and feigned astonishment become greater than facts and figures? Have we really lost the ability to comprehend that throwing out random numbers means nothing? Where's the hard data? Where's the proof? A person can say whatever they want, it doesn't make it true. Likewise, if someone speaks the truth, and presents his statements with facts and hard data, merely saying it's not true does not qualify as an appropriate response.
Man #1: The Earth is round. Here is a picture of the Earth from Space.
Man #2: The Earth is round? HA! Where did you learn this? Books? Does anyone even read those anymore? Seriously, look it up on my website, the Earth is completely flat. How long did it take you to Photoshop that picture?
Debate in politics today is nothing short of insanity. It's lie until someone calls you on it, then choose one of two responses:
A. Act like nothing was said and continue on with your lies.
B. Call the person who spoke up a liar, and then continue on with your lies like you weren't just exposed.
This is because there is no longer debate. A debate is a discussion with two opposing views. Politics today is about facts and lies. Today's politicians are career politicians. They've all taken classes on public speaking and debate. They've all practiced profusely and basically made this their career. Yet the single reason why the whole system is failing right now, is because you can't win a debate of lies.
In order to win a debate, you have to have solid ideas with data to back them, which will appeal to people's common sense. When you present something to people rationally, they generally react in a positive manner. If you're lying, nothing you say is going to add up, and people are going to reject not only what you've told them up until the point they realized you were lying, but they will reject anything you have to say beyond that point.
This is why the realm of politics is completely failing right now. This is why nothing is being done, and why nothing will be done. It's not from one issue to the next; it's from one statement to the next. Who is right and who is wrong differs so much from one minute to the next that it all becomes a blur, and then not only do you not know who to trust, you don't care. At that point, you are done. You don't care what any of them say, because you don't trust any of them.
We live in a country where if you're currently holding a political position, you are a completely untrustworthy, twisted, crooked, lying malefactor. The severity of this is merely dependent upon how long you've been in the business, how much you've accomplished in that time, or how high you've risen.
However, this doesn't matter, because people are actually stupid enough to play The Party Game. They act like whether they're Democrat or Republican is the same as if they're a Colts fan or a Raiders fan. It doesn't matter how crooked or depraved the Democrats are because I'm a registered Democrat and have been for years. They're my team, so whatever they do is fine by me as long as we win.
The simple fact is, it doesn't matter whether you're Republican or Democrat. The house needs to be cleaned out. They all need to go. The Two Party System has failed. Until we realize that and take action, nothing will be done. If we've ever lived in a time when things needed to be done, it's right now.