In what at first appeared to be either a preemptive April Fool's joke or an article in The Onion, President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. Waking up to this news has made me physically ill. The absurdity of giving someone such a prestigious award for absolutely nothing is not only mind blowing, it completely depreciates the worth of such an honored award. It is clear there is nothing of value or worth in this World anymore. It is all a joke. Everything.
"...and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."Sociologically, Nobel prizes hold a vast amount of meaning and worth. There have been controversies over the years, and there are things which might make you question their validity. When you see someone like Yasser Arafat receive it, or even Al Gore for his convenient lie, and then realize Mahatma Gandhi was passed over five times, you might be a little skeptical. However, giving the award to Barack Obama who has accomplished nothing, when the qualifications expressly read "the person who shall have done the most or best work," how can you not see this as a travesty?
"It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration be given to the nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be Scandinavian or not." --from the will of Alfred Nobel
What has Barack Obama done? I'm not just talking what has he done to promote peace, what has he done--period? Nominees have to be in by February 1st. Obama took office on January 20th. That means he was President for a whopping 11 days when he was nominated. He's now in his ninth month and he has achieved absolutely nothing, yet he's given the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel committee should be ashamed. They have defecated on everything that this prize has ever stood for, and everyone who has ever received it.
So much for the "Europe hates the US" garbage the Left was spewing when The Olympic Committee shot down Chicago last week. This pretty well blows that right out of the water.
You might say it speaks to a man's character that he is only 48 and has already written two autobiographies. However, what speaks even louder is that he would accept this award. He knows better than anyone that he doesn't deserve it, and to accept it in light of that knowledge shows how narcissistic and self-serving he really is.
I guess none of this should really be a surprise. His only accomplishments in life are moving to the next level without doing a single thing to deserve it. He became a US Senator. His record there was one of voting "Present" on everything and spending the majority of his term running for the Presidency. Now he is The President, and he still hasn't done a thing. He has done nothing and he is nothing. He is a mere poseur made of fluff, and this is just the icing on top of the cardboard, studio-prop cake.
Winning the Presidential Election devalued the election process and the very office he won. In America, we are proud of the fact that anyone can become President. However, this theory is made with the intent that someone who has worked hard and accomplished things deserving of the office will achieve that position. Now that we find out literally anyone can become President, it just doesn't seem so awesome anymore.
Barack Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize proves that it is nothing but a political sham and holds no meaning or worth. It's nothing more than a quick way to get extended media hype and 1.4 million dollars. It also proves that there is nothing sacred left in this World. Society has finally come to the point where nothing can hold respect or merit.
Alden Meyer of the Union of Concerned Scientists, for example, issued a statement this morning as a preliminary round of U.N. negotiations wrapped up in Thailand. The headline: "U.S. stance retards progress at Bangkok climate talks."Quick, someone give me an Oscar and a Pulitzer, maybe it will inspire me to do something great one of these days. On second thought, I'll just go around saying the words hope and change over and over. That way I can become President of the United States and win my very own Nobel Peace Prize.
Asked for a reaction to Obama's award, Meyer replied via e-mail: "My guess is he was awarded the prize as much for his efforts to change the tone of the global conversation, re-engage the U.S. with the rest of the world, and listen to others' points of view with respect. The contrast with the previous U.S. president is pretty stark on these fronts, and it's a change that clearly appeals to the Nobel Committee.
"The award is likely more for the promise of what Obama hopes to accomplish on global warming, nuclear weapons reduction, Middle East peace, and other issues than it is for what he's accomplished to date. Whether the award helps the president achieve those objectives remains to be seen."