Thursday, October 15, 2009

Obama Strikes Back!


In a town hall meeting in Louisiana today, Barack Obama "fired back" at his critics. However, it was not made clear which model of Nerf gun he used. In yet another iconic display of community organization, irony abounded as Obama was caught talking on the job:

"Now, just in case any of you were wondering, I never thought any of this was going to be easy," he said. "You know, I listen sometimes to these reporters on the news (who say) 'Well, why haven't you solved world hunger yet?'"

As the crowd laughed, he said: "Why hasn't everybody done it? It's been nine months. Why? I never said it was going to be easy. What did I say during the campaign? I said change is hard. And big change is harder."

In what seemed a reference to Republicans opposed to Democratic healthcare proposals, Obama accused them of "trying to stand in the way of progress."

"Let me tell you: I'm just getting started," Obama said.

Well, in case you were wondering, Barack, I wasn't wondering. My question to you wouldn't be, "Did you think this was going to be easy?" My question to you would be, "Did you care?" Your job is to lead and run the biggest, most influential nation on the planet. What are you doing to fix the problems we are facing? The problems facing this nation get worse with everyday that passes. It's been nine months now and you're "just getting started"? If that's not a textbook case of gross incompetence, I don't know what is.

Slacking off is not an accomplishment, otherwise, I'd be The President.

Here's something you can file under irony: Obama is "firing back" at the critics who have said he has done nothing and has zero accomplishments by doing the same thing he has done for nine months--that's right!--nothing. Apparently, running his mouth incessantly and creating sound bites is his idea of what his job description is. It also seems to be the only thing he is good at. Well, that's not fair, he's also good at spending money we don't have and putting us deeper in debt. So, two things are better than one. Right?

What is the problem here? Did he peak too early? What is it that he doesn't get? He is the President. He won. Why is he still campaigning?. He is not a community organizer any longer--Stop organizing. Start presiding!

Instead of spending gobs of money on payoffs, kickbacks, and budgets guised as an Economic Stimulus Plan, or trying to pass a 900 billion dollar socialized medicine plan that isn't going to solve a single problem, why not focus on the economy and get it repaired? He needs to seal the aerial vortex he calls a mouth and actually do something.

At the end of the event, a young schoolboy named Terence Scott asked Obama, "Why do people hate you?"

"Well, now, first of all, I did get elected president, so not everybody hates me now," Obama replied. "I got a whole lot of votes."

"But you know, what is true is if you were watching TV lately, it seems like everybody's just getting mad all the time," Obama said, blaming the climate in part on politics and on concerns among Americans about losing jobs or their healthcare.

"And when things are going tough, then, you know, you're going to get some of the blame, and that's part of the job. But you know, I'm a pretty tough guy," he said.

Some of the blame? Really. Well, it's not like it really matters anyway, because any blame placed on Obama will merely get shifted to the Bush Administration. Oh, but Barack is "firing back" right now...because he can't hide or shift the fact that he hasn't done anything. It's not GW's fault that Obama is as worthless as a parka on a sunny day. So who is he going to blame now? The Republicans are out, because he doesn't need them. The Democrats control it all.

For once, he is right about one thing. Change is hard. Barack Obama is finding out just how hard it is to change his story.