The biggest issue on people's mind at this moment is the Government Health Plan. You can't turn on the radio, television, or web browser without hearing or seeing dozens of talk shows, news programs, or news articles all talking about it.
King Barack and his Court of Jesters are swarming the Nation. Speaking at town hall meetings, on news programs and talk shows, and even writing newspaper commentaries. All in an attempt to glut the media and airwaves to drown out the voices of anyone who opposes them.
They appear at town hall meetings with the guise of wanting to hear what the People have to say and to inform them on what is in the bill. Yet, it is abundantly clear that this is not their intention at all. They are there to speak and not to listen. They are there to tell us what they're going to do. Whether we like it or not.
During his campaign, Barry spoke many times of his ideas for health care reform. His plan was to provide a government health care option. The idea behind it, was that government health care would be supplied as an alternative to private sector health care, and by doing this, the government could set pricing and options so the private sector would have to compete with the government standard. This was, as Barry explained, "to keep the private sector honest."
What Barry didn't explain, and what he still can't explain, is how this is going to be funded.
The simple, undeniable fact, is the government runs off of tax dollars. They can't do anything without them. Every penny spent by the U.S Government comes from you and me. If there is a government run health care, then the funds to administer that to the public will come from tax dollars. The money to fund it will be deducted from your income, the same as Medicare and Social Security is. It is the only way. So when you then, in turn, decide you'd rather stay with or choose a private sector health care plan instead, you will now be paying double to take this option.
Not even the great Homer could spin a tale of fiction that could combat or confuse these undeniable facts.
There are many who argue that you don't have to pay for public health care if you decline, so naturally you wouldn't have to pay for government health care if you decline. This is completely false. The entire idea behind government-run health care, is to provide health care to those who cannot afford it. As in "free" health care. Well, any First Grader can tell you that nothing is free. Which means they will be taking tax dollars to pay for it. Who provides the tax dollars again?
We the Little People, are showing up in droves to protest King Barack on the issue of government-run health care. Protesters are being vilified by Politicians and the Lurk and Pounce Media alike, calling them Terrorists and doing everything but using the words "ignorant Hillbillies" to describe them. Because naturally, only a left-wing, bureaucratic schmutz has intellectual prowess.
All of this to strong-arm the public and circumvent the system to bend it to their will.
It occurs to me that the King thinks he's pretty smart. You can tell by his arrogance and smug report. I will not deny him that; after all, he did win the Election. However, it also occurs to me that he has made a grave error. He thought we were stupid, and he thought wrong.
If this government-run health care plan passes, it will be the beginning of the end. It will be the gateway for the government to take complete control over every aspect of our lives. It will be the precedent needed to create more and more government-run programs that will take more and more of our money until one day we will wake up and they will have it all. And that is called Slavery.