The worst part, is that I didn't feel I was alone in this. Everyone I met, everyone I talked to seemed to feel the same way. I can't speak for the planet, but in the United States, this feeling seemed to be washing over us in a great wave.
When I met my wife, she was going through the same thing. Together, we were able to bring each other out of this malaise. Needless to say she was a definite Godsend, and she came into my life at the right time. But something happened to me along the way. I began to care again.
It was like waking up after a long sleep: Rip Van Winkle style. The things I saw enraged me. I awoke to find my country had been hijacked by the Short Bus. A bunch of smiling, window-licking, retards with big smiles and flashy suits, all running around, bumping into walls, and stealing us blind, and at their center: King Barack.

On Election Day 2008, the Liberals had finally gotten what they had been looking for: Chocolate that tastes so much like vanilla, you have to do a double-take to confirm it's still chocolate. Coming soon to your local Dairy Queen.
Something at that moment dawned on me. A revelation of infinite magnitude. Their problem with George W. Bush, was not that he was stupid and socially awkward. Their problem was that he wasn't stupid and socially awkward enough.
So on Election Day, they finally got to turn it to 11.
And just as it was in the throws of apathy, I do not feel alone in my outrage.