It seems that there are no lengths that King Barack will not go to get his way. In a recent article posted on the Fox News Website:
Thousands of religious leaders got a call from on high Wednesday when Obama reached out to Jewish and Christian clergy, urging them to push health care reform from the pulpit.
Obama spoke to about 140,000 people of faith in a conference call and webcast Wednesday evening. He and a White House official discussed the moral dimension of health care, telling the mostly Christian audience that "this debate over health care goes to the heart of who we are as a people."
But earlier that day, Obama went much further, asking about 1,000 rabbis to preach his political agenda in their sermons on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year -- one of the holiest days of the year.
For the last fifteen plus years, the Left-wing Democrats have been staunch pundits of the Separation of Church and State ideology, using it to take God and Religion out of every aspect of American's lives. Even to a point where they tried to have "In God We Trust" removed from our currency and "...under God." stricken from the Pledge of Allegiance. However, it would appear that the Separation of Church and State only counts until it doesn't benefit them.
The conversation was supposed to be off the record but was captured on the Twitter feeds and blogs of some rabbis who took part in the call, which was organized by the Union of Reform Judaism and included rabbis from other denominations.
This comes as no surprise that this was meant to be kept private. What is surprising, is that someone who holds the highest position in the land could be so monumentally naive as to believe that he could even sneeze without the whole World knowing, much less make an address of this scale and keep it secret. It's downright scary. Here's some words of advice, Barack: When more than one person knows about something, it's no longer a "secret".
"I am going to need your help in accomplishing necessary reform," Obama said, according to Rabbi Jack Moline of Virginia, whose (Twitter) has since been scrubbed of the information.
Obama told the rabbis that "we are God's partners in matters of life and death" and asked them to "tell the stories of health care dilemmas to illustrate what is at stake" in their sermons, Moline wrote.
Critics say Obama's message seemed to "cross a line" and imply a kind of "scriptural or holy support for the program."
Holy health care reform, Batman! Which Commandment was Thou Shalt Have Government-run Health Care? I seem to have overlooked that one. Maybe it was right after Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me, Even If They Are The First Black President of The United States.
Change! Does anyone have some? I've got a Health Care Plan to fund!!!
"I can't imagine why it would be appropriate for a president even to suggest a partnership with God somehow was connected to his ideas for health care," said the Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.
"Whenever politicians give a message that implies that God is on their side on an issue ... this always troubles me."
I could be mistaken, but isn't this exactly what they criticized George W. Bush for? Yeah, it's all coming back to me... something about not mentioning God while declaring war on the Terrorists because it made us look like we were waging a Holy Crusade. Or mentioning God period, because there's a separation of Church and State, and we don't like it when our Presidents step on that. Oh, but no worries, this is King Barack, he can do anything up to and including walking on water. What was I thinking?
The most interesting part of this article is we have had a steady stream of Atheist propaganda shoved down our throats through Hollywood and the Media. Telling us all about the evils of Religion and how it should be stamped out, yet this article clearly shows that the clergy who were approached by Obama are all staunch supporters of the idea of a separation between Church and State. They all believe that the two have no business co-mingling.
God has no place in Politics, and Politics has no place in the teachings of God. This is what happens when you let a do-nothing, accomplishment-challenged "Community Organizer" into the White House.