It seems the new fad for getting attention for your failing celebrity (or career as often is the case) is to leak a sex tape. Not to say in anyway that it hasn't been done before, but it seems of late, everyone is doing it. Even Verne Troyer (yeah, Mini Me) has a sex tape floating around.
There's an old adage: Any publicity is good publicity. In Hollywood, everyone has this tattooed on their foreheads. The question that really has to be asked here is: Is everyone in the position of Celebrity a complete narcissistic miscreant?
Think about it. These people are in front of the camera most of their existences. If it's not for their actual jobs, they're being filmed by Press and Paparazzi. How conceited are you that when you go home and close the doors, you have to flip on the camcorder? If they're so in love with themselves, why don't they just get a mirror? It would save them a lot of embarrassment, and spare us the media hysteria.

Why? Because it's all staged. It's all hype their Agents and Publicists come up with to boost them out of their current has-been status. In some cases, like Paris Hilton, it's even being used to make someone a celebrity. And now, they're not even sex tapes, they're just tapes of celebrities walking around nude, doing drugs, and blathering nonsensically.
Wow, thanks to the Celebrity Sex Tape Method, I can now get an intimate look inside the life of someone I could completely care less about. Thank you, Hollywood Agent, you're the best!