Sunday, August 23, 2009

Misspelled Racism

If there's one thing that Hollywood can't get enough of, it's telling us what is okay and what is not okay. Quentin Tarantino's new movie Inglourious Basterds is no exception. Like most Tarantino movies, critical consensus is mixed, yet the majority of the negative reviews has nothing to do with content rather than poor editing and writing.

Inglourious Basterds is about a group of US soldiers put together by Lt. Aldo Raine, played by Brad Pitt, called The Basterds. The group is completely made up of Jewish soldiers with the intent of terrorizing, torturing, and killing Nazis. As one article puts it, it is "Kosher Porn":

The horror-movie director Eli Roth—his film Hostel is the most repulsively violent movie I’ve ever seen twice—plays a Basterd known as the “Bear Jew,” whose specialty is braining Germans with a baseball bat. Roth told me recently that Inglourious Basterds falls into a subgenre he calls “kosher porn.”

“It’s almost a deep sexual satisfaction of wanting to beat Nazis to death, an orgasmic feeling,” Roth said. “My character gets to beat Nazis to death. That’s something I could watch all day. My parents are very strong about Holocaust education. My grandparents got out of Poland and Russia and Austria, but their relatives did not.”

The above article is entitled Hollywood's Jewish Avenger. There are dozens of such articles reviewing this film. They are in majority structured in a form where the first half of the review is praising Tarantino's Jewish Nazi Killers, and the second half washes out in rhetoric as they tell us how Quentin Tarantino is a genius, but he hasn't learned his lesson about letting go and leaving more of his film on the cutting room floor.

So what is Hollywood's message to us in all of this? It's okay to be a racist as long as it's against Nazis. They've sold it and we've bought it hook, line, and sinker. The entertainment news headlines are swamped today with the news of Inglourious Basterds being the number one movie over the weekend. Stay tuned until next week when we find out who it's okay to be racist against next, or even better, who it's not okay to be racist against.

Thank you, I'll be avenging you next.

This is all washed over with phrases like, "it's a fantasy" and "it's only a movie". So what if my fantasy is to load up a stealth bomber with nukes and drop them on Mecca in revenge for 9/11? Is that acceptable? What if my fantasy is to put together a rag-tag team of African-Americans and parachute into Rwanda where we start hacking government soldiers to death with machetes? Is that acceptable? Or is it too close to home because we now have an African-American President? Why is Tarantino's "fantasy" okay, but mine is not okay?

What is the difference between the so called Kosher Porn and Fantasy Rape or Anime Child Molestation films? Is it okay if only German women get raped or Hitler Youth Group children get molested? Are my hideous fantasies only cool if they're aimed against Nazis?

I have a great affection for the Jewish People and I support the Nation of Israel. I have lived there, worked amongst them, and have great respect for their way of life. But I find the idea of this movie and the public response to it repugnant. I equally take umbrage at the notion that an American Soldier would ever engage in such behavior. That is not to say that some wouldn't have thought about it, or even enjoyed it. After all, soldiers are human, they are just like the rest of us, but at the end of the day American Soldiers never killed Nazis with baseball bats, carved swastikas in their foreheads, or scalped them.

Which is the entire point of this movie. To tell us, you know you've thought about it, you know you would have liked to do it, so here's your filthy little fantasy, your Kosher Porn. Eat it up.

Congratulation, Quentin. You just made a Porno, slipped it through the net of the Censors, sold it to Hollywood, and got them to sell it to the public. You played the system against itself and you won, hands down. It's no wonder why you're smiling like a Cheshire cat in all of your publicity photos.