When asked about Hillary Clinton, Beck said, "I can't believe I'm saying this...I think I would have much preferred Hillary Clinton as president and may have voted for her against John McCain."
Beck is very open about the fact that he did not vote in the last election.
This interview and Beck's statements have become fast controversy and are all over the internet. In one article I read from The Huffington Post, there were already 71 pages of comments. However, there was one comment in particular from user Sadie1976 that got me thinking:
I've heard several conservatives make this remark, that they "might have" voted for Hillary! (Operative word being "might"!) They must think this makes them sound "cool" or "open minded"! I'd like to hear details about that thought process! Hillary is pro-health care, pro-choice...all the ideals that make the president a "demon" in their eyes, Hillary pretty much stand for also! I don't buy it for a minute!Although Hillary may share a lot of the same ideas as Barack Obama because they are both leftist Democrats, the major difference between them is that Hillary lacks charisma. This is why she would have been a better choice at this moment for President.
Because she lacks charisma, and definitely the amount Obama seems to display, she would be limited in what she could feasibly pull off. Which means, we wouldn't be in the whitewash that is the Health Care Bill right now. Hillary would never have been able to pull it off. The last time she tried, it killed the second term of Bill Clinton.

Now with 99.99% more Pork!
The Health Care debate is the stuffed monkey being shaken over the crib to divert the attention off the real issue at hand--The Economy. While the economy is still in the dumps with no visible signs of improvement, we're being told that "The Most Important Issue of the Day is Health Care". Not only is this statement completely false, it's ridiculous.
The most important issue of the day is the economy, but because Barack Obama has no idea how to fix it, and hasn't done a single thing to improve it in his nine months in office, he's diverting everyone's attention with health care. Oh, but don't worry, every so many days we get another propagated lie thrown to us about how the economists are saying we've hit bottom, or how unemployment rates aren't so bad this month.
They actually said in the news that because last month's unemployment rates were far less than that of January's, that proved things in the job market were getting better. All it proved was a decrease in the number of jobs to be lost. You can only fire or layoff so many people in a company before you're going to have to close your doors. That's a math equation you can't argue with.
Because Barack Obama is President, and holds a great amount of charisma (which is still lost on me), he can pull off these diversions. If Hillary were President, she'd have to focus on the issue at hand and take care of it. We wouldn't be talking about Health Care, we wouldn't still be smearing on the ointment from The Obama Stimulus Plan, we'd be seeing the economy improving and more importantly, we wouldn't care about any of this, because we'd be at work--oblivious.
They say that Beck is a "pot stirrer" and that he's only doing this for more attention and to stay in the public eye. That may be so, but he's got a point.