Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mr. Peanut? Dr. Kevorkian Will See You Now.


Being the worst President to ever hold office, and someone who disgraced the Oval Office worse than Richard Nixon and William Clinton put together, it was really no surprise when Jimmy Carter opened his comically gigantic mouth this week. When speaking of the public outcry against President Obama, and more to the point, Senator Joe Wilson's outburst during Obama's speech to Congress about the health care bill, Mr. Carter had this to say:
''I think it's based on racism,'' Carter said in response to an audience question at a town hall held at his presidential center in Atlanta. ''There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president.''

The Georgia Democrat said the outburst was a part of a disturbing trend directed at the president that has included demonstrators equating Obama to Nazi leaders.

''Those kind of things are not just casual outcomes of a sincere debate on whether we should have a national program on health care,'' he said. ''It's deeper than that.''
To this, I quote one of the greatest American Presidents who, oddly enough, said this to Mr. Carter during a debate, right after he was prattling on about national health insurance (aka government health care): "There you go again." Shortly after that, Ronald Reagan saved America from the utter degradation and despair Mr. Carter had imposed upon this great nation.

Although the jury is still out on whether or not Obama will indeed hold up to being worse than Carter, it's no small wonder that Obama would retain Carter's empathy. As they say, birds of a feather can't accept the fact that Americans don't like a President and his sophomoric policies...or something like that.

Oh, the nostalgia...

The public disdain for Barack Obama couldn't be the fact that a Democrat President, with a Democrat Congress, and a Democrat Senate can't even get a pizza delivered. Of course not. Americans love to fail miserably and be complete ineffectual jack-asses, right?

Forget about the Constitution, Capitalism, Cotton Gin, Railroad, Gold Rush, Mount Rushmore, Hoover Dam, Golden Gate Bridge, Panama Canal, Twin Towers, Women's Suffrage, Affirmative Action, Microsoft, or electing the first African-American President. Americans aren't achievers! We're lazy, ineffective, bullying, terrorizing, racists who love to spend money like it's going out of style, cause when it all runs out, we'll print more!

We should all be listening to the wisdom of Jimmy Carter. Anyone who is not only the worst American President in history, but also the worst Former American President in history, has to have something of value to tell us. Who better than the President the World laughed at to tell us all about the President who is making the World laugh at us all over again?

Then again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we should not listen to Mr. Carter. Maybe we should send him a message. Maybe we should tell Mr. Carter, "Your time has come and gone. Please Sir, have the common decency Edward Kennedy had and exit, stage left."