CINCINNATI (AP) - President Barack Obama declared Monday that modern benefits like paid leave, minimum wage and Social Security "all bear the union label," as he appealed to unions to help him win the health care fight in Congress.It was only a matter of time. His Health Care coup has failed miserably, and he's on the verge of losing everything. Just like Bill Clinton, who fell on his sword trying to pass a similar socialized medicine bill, Barack Obama has shown not only incompetency in his first nine months in office, but also the inability to learn from history. So now, in complete desperation, King Barack finally shows his hand. He has pled to The Unions, of whom he is deep in their pockets.
"It was labor that helped build the largest middle class in history. So, even if you're not a union member, every American owes something to America's labor movement," said Obama, whose run for the presidency was energized in no small part by unions.
Obama asserted that "our recovery plan is working," but repeated that he won't be satisfied until jobs are much more plentiful.
It was no surprise when we learned that SEIU-COPE-PAC paid $13,355,389.00 to his campaign fund. Their relationship was well documented on King Barack's own website:
"SEIU's members are temperamentally suited to Obama; he is a longtime friend of Chicago's SEIU Local 880 and worked closely with the union as an organizer and later as a state legislator."There is also a connection between SEIU and ACORN. Which is no wonder considering Wade Rathke, was the founder and chief organizer of both ACORN and the SEIU local 100 in New Orleans. Is it really any wonder why he would be rallying to the SEIU and the United Healthcare Workers Union to help him strong-arm support from Americans for his Health Care Bill?
"We have never been this close," Obama said. "We have never had this broad an agreement on what needs to be done." He accused vested interests of trying to thwart it.For their part, some elements within the labor movement have indicated frustration with Obama, who traveled to Cincinnati to speak to a state AFL-CIO gathering, because some key items such as legislation making it easier for people to join unions has languished in Congress. To vigorous cheers, Obama made a pitch for the bill in his speech. He also noted that the first bill he signed into law was one guaranteeing equal pay for equal work.
Considering his socialist politics, it really is no shock to see that he is a puppet for the Unions. Unions, afterall, are a socialist principle:
"...The need of having unions to improve the immediate situation of the workers and the advantages which grow out of these need not be examined. But the goal of the working class is the complete extermination of capitalism."
"...The object of the labor movement is to increase the strength of the proletariat to the point at which it can conquer the organized force of the bourgeoisie and thus establish its own supremacy. The power of the working class rests, in the first place, upon its members and upon the important role which it plays in the process of production. It constitutes an increasingly large majority of the population. Production proceeds upon a constantly increasing scale, and so is carried on more and more by wage-workers; and the relations of its branches grows constantly more complex. Under these circumstances workingmen find it possible through the strike to bring our whole social life to a standstill."
Everything Obama has done since he has been in office has been to cater to and benefit the Unions. The bailout of the Auto Industry, which heavily benefited and completely catered to the United Auto Workers Union, the second Stimulus Package, which had all kinds of pork and Easter eggs for the Unions, and now his Health Care Bill. I just can't wait for Cap and Trade, can you?
"The more the great body of workers take part in the war on capitalism, the more will labor union conflicts become social cataclysms, great political events; and thus the unions will be forced to take part in the political struggle. In these great struggles the old methods of parliamentary and labor union diplomacy will be found inadequate; the cleverness of sharp leaders and versatile spokesmen will be overshadowed by the power of the masses themselves. In the persons of the leaders, who develop according to the particular demands of each form of action, the political and union movements are different; in the persons who constitute the masses behind the leaders they are identical. Thus where the mass of the workers themselves come into action the dividing line between the two methods of struggle disappears; they march upon the field of battle to a single, undivided warfare against capitalism, armed with the class-consciousness, the discipline, the intelligence and the power of action gained in all previous conflicts; the union constitutes their organization; Socialism, their political intelligence."
It warms the cockles. I wonder how long it will be before he creates an Executive Branch Union? Of course, it will be in his Union Contract that he can't be replaced unless by unanimous decision of the members of the EBU. All Hail King Barack! All Hail the USSA!