A Mexican singer and former drug-addict-turned-Protestant-Priest hijacked a plane in Cancun yesterday. Jose Mar Flores Pereira, 44, claimed he was just doing the Lord's work, after he had a revelation. From the pictures, I would think his revelation should be a career change as a Liberace impersonator, but much to the chagrin of the Mexican Authorities, this was not the case.
While Flores Pereira acted alone, Mexican officials said they originally detained five other people because the hijacker had told a flight attendants he was acting with accomplices, referring to himself and "God and the Holy Spirit."
Flores Pereira told authorities he acted to protect the country after having "a revelation that Mexico was facing a great danger, and was threatened by an earthquake," public security official Genaro Garcia Luna told reporters.
The priest, brought out for questioning by the media, told reporters his actions were linked to Wednesday's date -- September 9, 2009 -- because the numbers 9/9/9 were the opposite of 6/6/6 the numbers associated with the AntiChrist.
The movie documenting Flores Pereira's revenge on God and the Holy Spirit for leaving him holding the bag at the heist is due out next Summer. Don't bother trying to see it in the theaters, it's already sold out indefinitely, and I just gave them the idea two minutes ago.
All the passengers -- most of whom had no idea they had been taken hostage -- were safely evacuated as security forces swarmed Mexico's international airport within minutes of the plane landing.
The airline said it was originally alerted to the situation after it "received a bomb threat while in flight," according to a statement.
"It wasn't a bomb," a smiling Flores Pereira told reporters after his arrest. "It was three Jumex (juice) cans that I filled with sand and put some little colored lights on."
Finally, a crime involving juice that OJ Simpson can truly say he's innocent of. For someone who had a revelation from God of impending doom, and was then sent forth on a mission to save all of Mexico, this guy didn't really do a lot of planning. He had time to fill three juice cans up with sand and glue lights to them, but he didn't have time to call in his bomb threat until after he was on the plane? No wonder no one on the plane knew he was hijacking it.
When you absolutely, positively have to hijack that plane...Jumex.
Flores Pereira had demanded to fly over the airport "seven times" and to speak with President Felipe Calderon, Garcia Luna said. Calderon canceled his afternoon meetings to head to the sprawling airport.And that's how you avoid being the laughing stock of the World. I just want everyone to be aware, not only is he insane, he's Bolivian--NOT MEXICAN! Now that we've cleared that up, go get me some Jumex, Pepito. Gracias.The alleged hijacker was also said to be a former prisoner and drug addict from Bolivia, who has lived in Mexico for 17 years.
Sources in La Paz confirmed Flores Pereira was of Bolivian nationality, and recounted that Mexican authorities had said he "apparently suffers some sort of mental disorder."