Our Founding Fathers were all students of The Enlightenment, and as is often done in this country, they took it and made it better. What the French had bore and pioneered, men like Thomas Jefferson cultivated and made perfect. It is no surprise that the tide of the American Revolution was turned by the aid of the French. It is also no surprise that a French Revolution followed.
Throughout the history of this nation, our leaders have cultivated, nurtured, and grown the tenets of Liberty, Freedom, and Independence. They have held the torch of Democracy high and have set the example to the World. When our Founding Fathers declared that all men were created equal and had the inalienable right to freedom, they also knew that such an idea could not be contained or aggregated for personal consumption. The ideals of Liberty and Independence know no limitations and no borders.
John F. Kennedy said, "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty." He also called upon the public to assist in "a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself."

On May 14th, 1948, after enduring the genocide of The Holocaust and a recent civil war perpetrated on them by the Palestinians, the Jews of the United Nations partitioned State of Palestine, ran out the Palestinian aggressors and declared their independence from the British Mandate of Palestine. They have been in war and conflict ever since.
They are a bastion of Democracy, a satellite of Liberty and Freedom, in the midst of a sea of dictatorial oppression. They are a mirrored reflection of everything America and Democracy stands for, and they are our ally. During the commencement of the Iraq War, it was said that we were going to, "bring Democracy to the Middle East," to which I replied, "What is Israel?"
For too many years, the Israelis have been plagued by terrorists and an antisemitic worldview, which has been compounded by US Politicians trying to make a name or legacy for themselves through imposing a peace with their mortal enemies by making them give up the very land they have cultivated and fertilized with the blood of patriots.
What gives us the right to tell them they have to give their land away?
The US is trying to build relations with Cuba right now, to end the conflict between us and begin anew. What if Cuba demanded we give them the State of Florida in exchange for peace? What if the UN thought that was a great idea and told us we had to give Florida to Cuba and kiss and make up? How would we react to that?
Now, condense the USA to the size of Delaware, and that doesn't even come close to what we ask of Israel.
There will never be peace in the Middle East. They have been fighting since practically the dawn of time. That doesn't just end because some slick politician decides he wants to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Yet, in a World where we are fighting Terrorism and the tactics of vile cowards, we expect for an ally, a member of the Brotherhood of Liberty and Equality, to acquiesce to them so we can all enjoy a good photo op.
I submit that if the Israelis do not deserve Israel, if they have indeed stole it from the Palestinians as many in the World believe, then Americans do not deserve America. The Israelis have done no more than we have; they took a country with great potential, ran the rabble off, and turned it into a great nation. If they cannot turn to us for help, if they cannot depend on us to be the nation that bore the Kennedy Doctrine, where is there hope or a future for Democracy?