Sunday, August 30, 2009
Your Product Sucks, Get Over It.
In contrast, there are Small Business Owners. These are everyday individuals who start their own businesses to supply products and services to the public. Most Small Business Owners strive to build a reputation for being local and community-oriented, and sell the highest quality products to the locals. This is a rather effective sales method. Most people would rather buy from Bob down the street than the big, Fortune 500 monster that just moved in and put three local businesses under.
Although there have been countless success stories of Small Businesses booming to million or billion dollar giants, most Small Business Owners only strive to be successful enough to earn a living and possibly employ a few people along the way.
Today, this realm of business is being taken over. It is being glutted with a group of society who has no idea what running a business takes, and they lack any pretense that they are not in it to get rich quick. They have no imagination, no drive, no ambition, no determination, no work ethic, and no stamina.
Furthermore, they don't understand the first thing about their products and have no idea how to sell or market them. They see something they think will sell like hotcakes, spend four hours making a business card, and then start scoping out the market. Once they see who their competition is, the first thing they do is start up a rumor mill against them. Playing their products and services up, and their competition's down.
It boggles the mind trying to understand the psyche of these people. What would possess someone to start a business with no forethought or planning, with a junk product, and with absolutely no understanding of the product, market, or industry? Then to take said product and start competing with people who are already in the market with a quality product who have done all the work, and start lying and trying to steal their customer base...
If your product is so poor or inferior to another that you have to lie to sell it, then you're in the wrong market with the wrong product. You might as well get out while you can, because you will fail. And when you fail, it's going to hurt. You may steal some of the competition's customers, but when they find out that you've lied to them they will return. All you will have done is ruin yourself and make a lifelong customer for your competition. Ultimately, you will also incur the wrath of both, and believe me, they will get even.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.The Random House Dictionary further defines it:
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination.
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.Today, the biggest played-out, over-used, tired cliché is the word racist. Any time anyone says something someone doesn't like, or does something someone doesn't like, they are labeled a racist and their actions racism. Through a natural selection, in a society who is moving farther and farther away from God and religion, people have moved away from likening evil to Satan and Satanism, and they have replaced it with Adolf Hitler and Nazism.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Recently in the news, President Obama sent his acolytes out unto the media circuit. Their message? To tell the World how the new "N" Word is Socialist. Well, I don't know where they got their degrees, no doubt in the bottom of a box of Cracker Jacks, but there is no "n" in the word Socialist. I'll go them one further, I defy them to find an "n" in the word Socialism. Perhaps they were refering to the public's response to Socialists and Socialism: No. There's your "N" Word.
Now that we've had some fun with literalism, let's move to the point of this article. I submit to the Obamites, that the new "N" Word is indeed Racist, and just like the real "N" Word, the "Ns", if you will, feel that they are the only ones who get to use it.
The word race is defined as:
1: A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.It seems rather odd to me, that nowhere in the definitions of race or racism, does it lend credence to an idea that opposing someone's sociopolitical views or tired, failed policies constitutes racist behavior. Even if, and I want to make this perfectly clear, they are of a different race, it still doesn't make opposing them racist behavior. Add in the fact that technically, if we are all Americans, we would fall under the second definition of the word race, and et voila, who's a racist?
2: A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
3: A genealogical line; a lineage.
4: Humans considered as a group.
The word racist and the ideology of racism are important. They mean something and are not to be taken lightly. By invoking them at the drop of a hat as a lame ploy to garner sympathy or gain conquest we do nothing more than cry wolf. It denigrates their meaning and makes them as useless as the punchline to a knock-knock joke.
Adolf Hitler is an important historical figure. He did great things. Most of them were abhorrent, but they were great in magnitude nonetheless. It is important that we never forget who he was, what he stood for, and what he did. History has documented this in great detail. The geek down at Starbucks who got your coffee wrong, the jerk who just cut you off in traffic, or your megalomaniacal boss are not like Hitler. Let's all be thankful for that.
Here's Your Sign
I've seen some people do some crazy things because they lost a bet, but this takes the cake. A man in Virginia, who has a problem keeping it in his pants, cheated on his wife and is now standing on a street corner wearing a sign which reads: I CHEATED THIS IS MY PUNISHMENT.
That's right, there was no punctuation. Even though the above referenced article would have you believe that, there really was no punctuation. According to the article, this is a punishment devised by his wife.
"I thought she was kidding, but she was serious,” said Taylor of Centreville, Va. “I figured I got to do what I got to do to makes things right. So here I am."He will be standing on the corner for the rest of week for all passersby to ogle. This will give him a terrific opportunity to find his next girlfriend.
“We haven't quite decided if this is a publicity stunt for some wacky YouTube channel or a ratings-driver for a morning radio station,” Carissa DiMargo of WRC wrote on “But if it's true, we like it. We. Are. Amused.”This brings many questions to my mind, the first being: Don't women generally say the hardest thing to endure when being cheated on is the embarrassment? Having your cheating mate stand out on the street corner with a sign telling the whole World he cheated on you seems pretty embarrassing to me. I guess the satisfaction of revenge outweighs the sting of the embarrassment, especially when it makes the Today Show.
Secondly, this dope has agreed to do this to "makes things right". How long, I wonder, will this relationship go on after this fiasco? Any way you cut it, I still see a divorce coming. It makes you wonder if she's the breadwinner and he's just a freeloader running around all day cheating on her while she's at work. Is he doing this because he's afraid he's going to lose his Sugar Mama?
And finally, the million dollar question, where was this woman when the Mark Sanford scandal hit the news? I think this woman and Jenny Sanford need to have afternoon tea together. Virginia is pretty close to South Carolina, it's not that far of a drive. She could give the First Lady some good pointers, like don't make excuses for your cheating husband's philandering. I know, according to Mrs. Sanford, that cheating is "like an addiction to alcohol or pornography", but where do you get the patch for that?
Do we need warning labels for this? Alcohol, Tobacco, and Prescription Drugs all have warnings on them. Does the US Government need to start making women get tattoos warning men about the dangers of Cheating Addiction?
WARNING: T&A is an addictive substance, continued use may cause birth defects, and by "defects" we mean "pregnancy".
Perhaps it's just Argentinians, maybe they're like Lays Potato Chips. Maybe Argentine women are like the Cubans of cigars. Small wonder why they have a woman President.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Name Dropper
Leaders gain respect and support through merit, not by begging and pleading, Please, please respect me, lend me your support, I'm a Leader, honest! They are born, not made, which is to say they are real, not something cooked up in a press packet. They have foresight--they can see an opportunity; they have insight--they know if they should take the opportunity; and they have hindsight--if it was a mistake, they learn from it.
More importantly, Leaders have vision. They know who they are, they know where they are going, and they know how to get there. Even more important than that, they know you are following. They know that you're along for the ride, that you're looking to them to lead you, and they take that responsibility with the utmost respect, doing whatever it takes to make sure they don't let you down or leave you behind.
We hear a lot about Barack Obama. How he is like Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, the list goes on. The media has a field day playing Mad Libs with which former President they're going to liken him to next. Obama himself cannot figure out which former President he wants to be like. If you ask him a question, he has to shuffle through the rolodex and decide which former President he needs to invoke to properly answer the question. If he were a true Leader, he would know the proper decision is none.
Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and other great Leaders in America's past have one major thing in common: They were the right men for the job at the right time. To quote The Cohens, "They were The Dude for their time and place." They understood the issues of their times, the challenges facing them, and they did something about it.
Barack Obama is too busy acting like someone else to be a Leader. In difficult, challenging times, we have a Presidential Fanboy as our President. He was the boy who wanted to grow up to be Superman but never grew up. Now he's just a guy wearing a flashy suit, and his only superpower is to drop names of people he wishes he was like.
What we need in America is an American. Someone who believes in America, who believes in what it stands for, and who believes in what it is. Someone who is not ashamed to be an American, who is not afraid to be the example, and who is determined to lead the way. We need a Leader, we need them to be the right Leader, and we need them to be the Leader for this time and place.
Where will we find this Leader? Does he even exist? Is the America we love and cherish doomed to a future of faux leadership? Leaders who are nothing more than blow-up dummies, place-holding in the pilot's chair who already parachuted out of the crashing plane?
America is a land of hope. We never give up, and we never surrender. We need our Dude; the one for this time and place. We have to believe he is out there. It's just a matter of time before he stands up and speaks, and when he does there will be a great silence. And in that silence, someone in the 14th row will say, "Hey, this guy knows what he's doing!"
Monday, August 24, 2009
Freedom Isn't Free...
The biggest buzz in the Techie News today is the $15 Million lawsuit being waged on Google by a blogger after she was outed due to a court order. Outrage abounds over the issue, yet many bloggers and commentators are applauding the issue. Proponents view it as a step in the right direction, stating this could be the beginning of the end for Cyberbullies. Opponents say that it's a violation or hindrance of The First Amendment.
A similar issue which has recently come into the news is the White House's "fishy" e-mails fiasco which happened earlier this month; it has equally garnered outrage and cries of breach of The First Amendment.
All of this raises the question: Does this constitute a violation of The First Amendment? The answer is no.
The First Amendment - Freedom of Religion, Press, and Expression, does not promise freedom of anonymity.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Should Ms. Port sue Google? Absolutely. When you start a Blog on Blogger, it tells you that you can remain Anonymous, that they only use your personal information for their use, and they will never give out that information. Blogger also suggests to you that you should keep your Blogger identity anonymous as things you do and say may upset people and lead to various acts of retribution. If Google is going to give it up the minute a Judge slides his hand up their skirt, then why offer that option to begin with? It's a complete fraud.
Whether or not she has a legal leg to stand on, I have no idea; I'm not a lawyer. That being said, I hope she takes them for everything she can get. I too, write this Blog anonymously. I never really had any illusions that this would remain so forever, but the idea of a hacker finding my identity came to my mind quicker than Google actually handing me up to the sharks on a silver platter.

I am not aware of any precedent for a President asking American citizens to report their fellow citizens to the White House for pure political speech that is deemed "fishy" or otherwise inimical to the White House's political interests.
By requesting that citizens send "fishy" emails to the White House, it is inevitable that the names, email addresses, IP addresses, and private speech of U.S. citizens will be reported to the White House. You should not be surprised that these actions taken by your White House staff raise the specter of a data collection program. As Congress debates health care reform and other critical policy matters, citizen engagement must not be chilled by fear of government monitoring the exercise of free speech rights.Once again, you have to be naive to think that you can stand up and oppose the U.S. Government via a public forum or media and maintain anonymity. When you let your voice be heard, you are giving away your position. You're saying, "Hey, everybody. I'm here! Look at me!"
We all like to think that our elected officials have some character and moral compass, especially the one who sits at the top, but this is seldom the case. The turmoil which is encompassing this nation right now is largely due to the corruption and greed of the elected officials who presently hold office. It's so bad that the only way to tell them apart is when they tell us if they are Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, Right or Left.
There are too many people screaming about First Amendment violations, and they're doing so to the detriment of the very right they're invoking. Although government and judicial retaliation for expressing yourself is reprehensible, the freedom to express yourself does not give you the freedom to be a coward. If you are going to stand up for yourself and express your opinions and beliefs, then you'd better be willing to take the punches.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Misspelled Racism
Inglourious Basterds is about a group of US soldiers put together by Lt. Aldo Raine, played by Brad Pitt, called The Basterds. The group is completely made up of Jewish soldiers with the intent of terrorizing, torturing, and killing Nazis. As one article puts it, it is "Kosher Porn":
The above article is entitled Hollywood's Jewish Avenger. There are dozens of such articles reviewing this film. They are in majority structured in a form where the first half of the review is praising Tarantino's Jewish Nazi Killers, and the second half washes out in rhetoric as they tell us how Quentin Tarantino is a genius, but he hasn't learned his lesson about letting go and leaving more of his film on the cutting room floor.The horror-movie director Eli Roth—his film Hostel is the most repulsively violent movie I’ve ever seen twice—plays a Basterd known as the “Bear Jew,” whose specialty is braining Germans with a baseball bat. Roth told me recently that Inglourious Basterds falls into a subgenre he calls “kosher porn.”
“It’s almost a deep sexual satisfaction of wanting to beat Nazis to death, an orgasmic feeling,” Roth said. “My character gets to beat Nazis to death. That’s something I could watch all day. My parents are very strong about Holocaust education. My grandparents got out of Poland and Russia and Austria, but their relatives did not.”
So what is Hollywood's message to us in all of this? It's okay to be a racist as long as it's against Nazis. They've sold it and we've bought it hook, line, and sinker. The entertainment news headlines are swamped today with the news of Inglourious Basterds being the number one movie over the weekend. Stay tuned until next week when we find out who it's okay to be racist against next, or even better, who it's not okay to be racist against.
This is all washed over with phrases like, "it's a fantasy" and "it's only a movie". So what if my fantasy is to load up a stealth bomber with nukes and drop them on Mecca in revenge for 9/11? Is that acceptable? What if my fantasy is to put together a rag-tag team of African-Americans and parachute into Rwanda where we start hacking government soldiers to death with machetes? Is that acceptable? Or is it too close to home because we now have an African-American President? Why is Tarantino's "fantasy" okay, but mine is not okay?
What is the difference between the so called Kosher Porn and Fantasy Rape or Anime Child Molestation films? Is it okay if only German women get raped or Hitler Youth Group children get molested? Are my hideous fantasies only cool if they're aimed against Nazis?
I have a great affection for the Jewish People and I support the Nation of Israel. I have lived there, worked amongst them, and have great respect for their way of life. But I find the idea of this movie and the public response to it repugnant. I equally take umbrage at the notion that an American Soldier would ever engage in such behavior. That is not to say that some wouldn't have thought about it, or even enjoyed it. After all, soldiers are human, they are just like the rest of us, but at the end of the day American Soldiers never killed Nazis with baseball bats, carved swastikas in their foreheads, or scalped them.
Which is the entire point of this movie. To tell us, you know you've thought about it, you know you would have liked to do it, so here's your filthy little fantasy, your Kosher Porn. Eat it up.
Congratulation, Quentin. You just made a Porno, slipped it through the net of the Censors, sold it to Hollywood, and got them to sell it to the public. You played the system against itself and you won, hands down. It's no wonder why you're smiling like a Cheshire cat in all of your publicity photos.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Separation Anxiety
It seems that there are no lengths that King Barack will not go to get his way. In a recent article posted on the Fox News Website:
Thousands of religious leaders got a call from on high Wednesday when Obama reached out to Jewish and Christian clergy, urging them to push health care reform from the pulpit.
Obama spoke to about 140,000 people of faith in a conference call and webcast Wednesday evening. He and a White House official discussed the moral dimension of health care, telling the mostly Christian audience that "this debate over health care goes to the heart of who we are as a people."
But earlier that day, Obama went much further, asking about 1,000 rabbis to preach his political agenda in their sermons on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year -- one of the holiest days of the year.
For the last fifteen plus years, the Left-wing Democrats have been staunch pundits of the Separation of Church and State ideology, using it to take God and Religion out of every aspect of American's lives. Even to a point where they tried to have "In God We Trust" removed from our currency and "...under God." stricken from the Pledge of Allegiance. However, it would appear that the Separation of Church and State only counts until it doesn't benefit them.
The conversation was supposed to be off the record but was captured on the Twitter feeds and blogs of some rabbis who took part in the call, which was organized by the Union of Reform Judaism and included rabbis from other denominations.
This comes as no surprise that this was meant to be kept private. What is surprising, is that someone who holds the highest position in the land could be so monumentally naive as to believe that he could even sneeze without the whole World knowing, much less make an address of this scale and keep it secret. It's downright scary. Here's some words of advice, Barack: When more than one person knows about something, it's no longer a "secret".
"I am going to need your help in accomplishing necessary reform," Obama said, according to Rabbi Jack Moline of Virginia, whose (Twitter) has since been scrubbed of the information.
Obama told the rabbis that "we are God's partners in matters of life and death" and asked them to "tell the stories of health care dilemmas to illustrate what is at stake" in their sermons, Moline wrote.
Critics say Obama's message seemed to "cross a line" and imply a kind of "scriptural or holy support for the program."
Holy health care reform, Batman! Which Commandment was Thou Shalt Have Government-run Health Care? I seem to have overlooked that one. Maybe it was right after Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me, Even If They Are The First Black President of The United States.
Change! Does anyone have some? I've got a Health Care Plan to fund!!!
"I can't imagine why it would be appropriate for a president even to suggest a partnership with God somehow was connected to his ideas for health care," said the Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.
"Whenever politicians give a message that implies that God is on their side on an issue ... this always troubles me."
I could be mistaken, but isn't this exactly what they criticized George W. Bush for? Yeah, it's all coming back to me... something about not mentioning God while declaring war on the Terrorists because it made us look like we were waging a Holy Crusade. Or mentioning God period, because there's a separation of Church and State, and we don't like it when our Presidents step on that. Oh, but no worries, this is King Barack, he can do anything up to and including walking on water. What was I thinking?
The most interesting part of this article is we have had a steady stream of Atheist propaganda shoved down our throats through Hollywood and the Media. Telling us all about the evils of Religion and how it should be stamped out, yet this article clearly shows that the clergy who were approached by Obama are all staunch supporters of the idea of a separation between Church and State. They all believe that the two have no business co-mingling.
God has no place in Politics, and Politics has no place in the teachings of God. This is what happens when you let a do-nothing, accomplishment-challenged "Community Organizer" into the White House.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The King Has Spoken
King Barack and his Court of Jesters are swarming the Nation. Speaking at town hall meetings, on news programs and talk shows, and even writing newspaper commentaries. All in an attempt to glut the media and airwaves to drown out the voices of anyone who opposes them.
They appear at town hall meetings with the guise of wanting to hear what the People have to say and to inform them on what is in the bill. Yet, it is abundantly clear that this is not their intention at all. They are there to speak and not to listen. They are there to tell us what they're going to do. Whether we like it or not.
During his campaign, Barry spoke many times of his ideas for health care reform. His plan was to provide a government health care option. The idea behind it, was that government health care would be supplied as an alternative to private sector health care, and by doing this, the government could set pricing and options so the private sector would have to compete with the government standard. This was, as Barry explained, "to keep the private sector honest."
What Barry didn't explain, and what he still can't explain, is how this is going to be funded.
The simple, undeniable fact, is the government runs off of tax dollars. They can't do anything without them. Every penny spent by the U.S Government comes from you and me. If there is a government run health care, then the funds to administer that to the public will come from tax dollars. The money to fund it will be deducted from your income, the same as Medicare and Social Security is. It is the only way. So when you then, in turn, decide you'd rather stay with or choose a private sector health care plan instead, you will now be paying double to take this option.
Not even the great Homer could spin a tale of fiction that could combat or confuse these undeniable facts.
There are many who argue that you don't have to pay for public health care if you decline, so naturally you wouldn't have to pay for government health care if you decline. This is completely false. The entire idea behind government-run health care, is to provide health care to those who cannot afford it. As in "free" health care. Well, any First Grader can tell you that nothing is free. Which means they will be taking tax dollars to pay for it. Who provides the tax dollars again?
We the Little People, are showing up in droves to protest King Barack on the issue of government-run health care. Protesters are being vilified by Politicians and the Lurk and Pounce Media alike, calling them Terrorists and doing everything but using the words "ignorant Hillbillies" to describe them. Because naturally, only a left-wing, bureaucratic schmutz has intellectual prowess.
All of this to strong-arm the public and circumvent the system to bend it to their will.
It occurs to me that the King thinks he's pretty smart. You can tell by his arrogance and smug report. I will not deny him that; after all, he did win the Election. However, it also occurs to me that he has made a grave error. He thought we were stupid, and he thought wrong.
If this government-run health care plan passes, it will be the beginning of the end. It will be the gateway for the government to take complete control over every aspect of our lives. It will be the precedent needed to create more and more government-run programs that will take more and more of our money until one day we will wake up and they will have it all. And that is called Slavery.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Get a Mirror!
It seems the new fad for getting attention for your failing celebrity (or career as often is the case) is to leak a sex tape. Not to say in anyway that it hasn't been done before, but it seems of late, everyone is doing it. Even Verne Troyer (yeah, Mini Me) has a sex tape floating around.
There's an old adage: Any publicity is good publicity. In Hollywood, everyone has this tattooed on their foreheads. The question that really has to be asked here is: Is everyone in the position of Celebrity a complete narcissistic miscreant?
Think about it. These people are in front of the camera most of their existences. If it's not for their actual jobs, they're being filmed by Press and Paparazzi. How conceited are you that when you go home and close the doors, you have to flip on the camcorder? If they're so in love with themselves, why don't they just get a mirror? It would save them a lot of embarrassment, and spare us the media hysteria.

Why? Because it's all staged. It's all hype their Agents and Publicists come up with to boost them out of their current has-been status. In some cases, like Paris Hilton, it's even being used to make someone a celebrity. And now, they're not even sex tapes, they're just tapes of celebrities walking around nude, doing drugs, and blathering nonsensically.
Wow, thanks to the Celebrity Sex Tape Method, I can now get an intimate look inside the life of someone I could completely care less about. Thank you, Hollywood Agent, you're the best!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What's a Liberal, Mommy?
Where have all the Liberals gone? Gone are the days of Al Pacino or Paul Newman railing against the establishment inside a Courtroom, asking important questions, standing up for the common man, and making relevant social commentary. Gone are the days of Sally Field standing up as a single voice in a cacophony of louder, overpowering voices demanding to be heard.
Isn't that what the Liberal Movement is all about? Standing up for the common man? Giving the little guy a chance against the Establishment when he is outgunned and outnumbered? Power to the People?
Where are the Hippies, the Activists, the Revolutionaries?
The simple answer is: They have become the Establishment.
Much like a Mexican Revolution, the Liberal Movement won the war, instated their Leader, and he turned out to be worse than the "cruel Dictator" he just replaced. One Generalissimo out, one Generalissimo in. Same shit, different day. No wonder they call it a Revolution.
A good friend of mine came up with something that I thought, at the time, was a witty motto. He said, Do what you can do, and let Bono do the rest. The theory behind it was, you as an everyday working stiff can only do so much, but someone like Bono, who has social standing and media attention, can get more done in one Press Conference than you ever could.
Given the failing economy, continually escalating unemployment rates, housing foreclosures, increasing bankruptcies, and a completely inept Government. One just has to ask, is Mr. Hewson out to lunch?
Obviously pointing fingers only at Celebrities is unfair. There are plenty of non-Celebrity Liberals. They are also out to lunch.
Will anyone stand up for us? Will they climb up on their soapbox and scream to the heavens of the oppression and injustice? Will they raise their sword high in the air and be the Champion of the People?
Of course not; it's just us. Just like everything else in our lives, we the people, have to stand up for ourselves. We have to kick down the doors, wave the flags, and shout to be heard all on our own. The Liberals are done fighting the good fight. They won their Revolution. They're out to lunch.
So if you're waiting for Daryl Hannah to save you, you're going to be awhile. She apparently chained herself to a tree and lost the key.
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Show of Force
Fox News and Talk Radio Host Glenn Beck has taken yet another beating in what shows to be the wave of his future. It appears that several of the Corporations who advertise during his program have decided to pull their ads after Mr. Beck decided to exercise his First Amendment right and say the things everyone else is too afraid to stand up and say.
In an America where the Press are no more than a pack of deifying fanboys, all too eager to lick the feet of King Barack, Mr. Beck has decided to stand his ground and have his say. Every night Mr. Beck stands up for the rights of all Americans as he tells it like it is, exposing The Obama Administration for being the farce it truly is, and calling out our "Representatives" on to the mat.
Mr. Beck is neither a radical, nor is he a pushover. He has a common sense, no-nonsense outlook on Society and Politics, and he capably expresses it.
His reward for all of this is to be labeled a racist, a radical, an instigator, a terrorist, a Republican, and anything else The Lurk and Pounce Media can come up with when they're not staking out Michael Phelps.
Good job, Glenn. We get it.
Swing on by Mr. Beck's website today,, and drop him a little e-mail in support.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Grand Theft Autocracy
Maybe we could even spend a few minutes comparing and contrasting, just to be one hundred percent positive. This link is an excellent example of what happens when we as a society allow others to hijack the language to feed the ethos of Political Correctness.
What gives you the right to say that a word is bad? What gives you the right to tell others they cannot say a word? Who are you to dictate to the whole of society that you don't like something, so everyone else has to fall in line and obey your peeve?
The utter fruitlessness and hypocrisy of such an exercise lies in the simple fact that changing the word does not change the meaning. When I say "Little Person", I'm still saying Midget. When I say "Mentally Handicapped", I'm still saying Retard. When I say "African American", I'm excluding a large population of whites who were born and raised in Africa and have migrated to the United States. People who are both proud to be an African and an American.
All we do when we cease to say one word and initiate using another is create a euphemism. There is nothing more scurrilous and contemptible than a euphemism.
This is America. We are a proud Democratic Republic. Our very first God-given, inalienable right is the Freedom of Speech. Censure and censorship fly in the face of everything that right stands for.
The next time you hear someone say something, or someone says something to you that offends you, perhaps you should use your brain and the gift of The English Language and fight your own battle, instead of forcing others to do it for you.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Lurk and Pounce Media
This is from the Associated Press, or AP as it is commonly referred, let's dissect it.
BALTIMORE — Michael Phelps was driving an SUV that collided with another car in Baltimore Thursday night, but the Olympic gold medal swimmer was not injured, police said.The female driver of a Honda Accord was "shaken up" and taken to a local hospital as a precaution, police said. Two passengers in Phelps' Cadillac Escalade were not injured, said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.
Guglielmi says Phelps has been interviewed by police and alcohol was not a factor. No citations were issued and the accident was being investigated, with a report perhaps available Friday, Guglielmi said.
Okay, the validity of how newsworthy this story is to begin with is obviously in the eye of the beholder. However, I personally feel that it is complete fill and does not fuel anyone's need to know what's going on in the real World. No offense to Mr. Phelps, but if I just got in a fender-bender with someone, even if the vehicles were totaled and one or both of us went to the hospital in critical condition, I highly doubt it would make the local news, much less the annals of the AP. Believe me, this statement is in no way tempered with any kind of jealousy. It's a fender-bender and no one was hurt. Where's the story? He'll have a new Escalade by Noon tomorrow.
Phelps won eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics.
Welcome to the 2008 Beijing Olympics! Wherein we would not even know or care who Michael Phelps was if it wasn't for him winning eight gold medals. Way to stay on top of things and inform us. You get an A.
I mean, I completely glossed over that whole Olympic gold medal swimmer thing in the first sentence. Sheesh, if it wasn't for you reminding me of that, I would have just kept thinking of him as that Stoner who lost his Wheaties endorsement.
Phelps' SUV had a crumpled hood and was on a tow truck. The gray Accord had considerable damage on the front driver side.
No offense to this fine, fine piece of Journalism, but in the defense of thought and flow, shouldn't this be above the bit where he won the eight gold medals? I mean, it kind of puts a cap on the first three paragraphs. No? Moving forward...
Phelps has had brushes with the law in the past. USA Swimming suspended him earlier this year for three months after a British tabloid published a photo of him using a marijuana pipe. The Richland County, S.C., sheriff's office investigated the photo but found there wasn't enough evidence to charge Phelps.
Ah...there we go. See? They could have left that whole eight gold medals bit out entirely at this point, because now we've reinforced that he IS the Stoner who lost his Wheaties endorsement.
More to the point, why do we say: "Phelps has had brushes with the law in the past."?
Are we to understand that this counts as a "brush" with the law? I may be stoned myself, but I don't recall anywhere heretofore in this article where it claimed Phelps was responsible for this accident or that he had done anything illegal. So is this how things are now? I'm parked at a red light, minding my own business, and someone who isn't paying attention plows into me from behind, and I'm now a wanted man? I have to go on the lam now or I'll wind up in prison married to T-Ray and learning how to make license plates?
Furthermore, there is no mention that he was intoxicated or that there was any suspicion of intoxication. So why exactly are we talking about pictures of him smoking a marijuana pipe? The article does clearly state: "...Phelps has been interviewed by police and alcohol was not a factor," but that's Standard Police Operating Procedure.
In an earlier incident, Phelps pleaded guilty to driving while impaired shortly after he won six golds and two bronzes at the 2004 Athens Olympics. A Maryland state trooper had pulled him over after Phelps ran a stop sign. He was sentenced to 18 months' probation.
Now I get it. They're helping us. Just like when my 2 year old nephew holds his toy up to me and says, "Dis mine!" Thanks, Little Rony, I'd never have guessed it if you hadn't put it all out there for me. Here's some candy!
Most recently Phelps earned five golds and a silver over eight days at the world swimming championships earlier this month.
Now wait just one hot minute there, Pal. This is an utter lie and an unconscionable fabrication of the facts. Most recently, Mr. Phelps got into a fender-bender and wound up bent over taking twelve inches of AP coverage. I vote for a retraction!
HA! Who's the Reporter now, AP?
You just showed pictures of the wreck in your article!
For an AP article, this is among their finest; however, I do believe they are slipping. This is definitely not on par with their long-lasting standards of excellence. They didn't even cap this potentially Pulitzer Prize Winning article off with their lovely standard: Neither Phelps nor his Publicists were immediately available for comment Thursday.
Seriously, they're never going to make this guy look guilty unless they point out he doesn't want to talk to the Press because he's been in a slightly traumatic experience. What were they thinking?!?!?
Summary: This is not News. This is merely Media SOP. They don't look for News Stories anymore, they merely lurk in the bushes and wait for a moment to pounce on someone so they can bring up all the old dirt that they got back during those days when News wasn't slow and they actually had something to report.
Hey, reruns and stock footage cinematheque works for The Sci-Fi Channel, why can't it work for The Press?
BALTIMORE – A crash involving Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps was blamed on the other driver, who ran a red light, Baltimore police said Friday.
Oops! I guess he was completely innocent. Damn! But not to worry...
We've got our eye on you, Phelps. One mistep and we'll be all over you like... well, Us on You.
BALTIMORE – Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps was driving with an expired, out-of-state license and told police he drank a beer about an hour and 15 minutes before he was involved in an accident, Baltimore police said Friday.
The accident Thursday night was not Phelps' fault, police said, and officers did not administer field sobriety tests because he showed no signs of being impaired by alcohol.
But the swimming star will be cited for driving without a license and failure to establish residency in Maryland, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. The citation carries no fine, but Phelps will have to appear in court.
"We had our very best eyes on the situation, and we're very well aware of his history and his notoriety," he said. "We wanted to make sure that everything was done completely by the book."
AHA! WE GOT HIM!!! Good job guys! I knew if you kept after him you'd get something. Now we can go back to reporting about a Michael way more important, Michael Jackson.
This just in: Yep, still dead.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Dr. Who was cool. You're not.
At this point, they had my full attention. Under further examination, what do I see? Some little Blonde, and guess what? That's right, she's on her cellphone. Driving a Phone Booth may be cool in the land of Science Fiction, but in the real World, it's reckless and unacceptable.
It's bad enough, Townships, Cities, Counties, States, and now the Federal Government are having to impose laws to put an end to this abuse. They met last week to start the verbiage on a Federal Bill that will outlaw Texting while driving. TEXTING!
A large amount of areas, one in particular being Chicago, have passed laws where you can be cited with a Moving Violation if you're using a cellphone while driving an automobile without a Bluetooth earpiece or other hands-free device.
Now I realize we are in the Information Age. I understand that technology is more of a part of our daily lives than it ever has been, and that as time goes on, it will become something that is in every facet of our existence, but this is completely absurd. Should we really have to tell someone not to text while driving? Unless you're someone like Steve Jobs or Arnold Schwarzenegger, your life is not that high paced that you need to be texting, e-mailing, Googling, or anything else while you are controlling a moving vehicle. Even Steve and Arnie have drivers so that they don't have to do that.
You're not so important that you have the right to endanger the lives of others for your social escapades. No one is.
And as for the Blonde in the Grand Am, she continued to weave in and out of traffic at 75mph, while on her cellphone, not using her turn signals, all the way to her destination. Yeah, she's cool. Not.
Big Bad Bob
Apparently Maryland is all up in arms over a Judge who decided, maybe it wasn't enough to rule behind the Bench. He seemed to have a problem with people parking in his parking spot, which is clearly marked and in a clearly marked restricted area. Additionally, the Judge felt that the notes he was leaving for people telling them to cease and desist weren't enough.
The Judge learned a valuable lesson: Being nice to people is tantamount to laying a six lane superhighway right down your back. It's the kind of lesson you wished you had've learned in the After School Specials, but found out about Date Rape and the evils of Narcotics instead.
According to this article, The Chief Administrative Judge for Maryland's 7th Circuit doesn't know what he's going to do about it, but he suggested to The Washington Post, that Judge Robert Nalley aka Big Bad Bob, would probably be sanctioned.
Are we serious? That's his job. To make rulings and sentencings. Are we really going to sanction a Judge because he's not technically behind the Bench when he does it? Literally, if this had been in the Courtroom, he could have ruled that all four of the perpetrators' tires be flattened, and it would have happened before the Defendant could have screamed, "Appeal!"
Not to mention, God help this lady if it really does go before a Court. Seriously, she should have counted her blessings and moved on, and let's expound a bit on Ms. Washington, the "victim" here. Upon further investigation, the picture starts to focus: The Leaf Chronicle ABA Journal
"Washington says she thought the restricted parking signs were meant for visitors. They are not. Those who park there must have a permit."
Exactly why would a Part-time cleaning lady think that she would be exempt and have special privileges to park in a clearly restricted area that was also clearly marked as the Judge's parking space? The only thing more ludicrous than this little tidbit, is how the press is spinning it:
"I was almost in tears," said Jean Washington, who says that because of construction, she's been parking along the street for a few weeks.
"I was just about in tears," Washington told the newspaper.
Yeah, I bet she was in tears, because she thought she was just going to park wherever she felt like and get away with it. My six year old niece cries when she pulls a stunt and doesn't get away with it too. Let's face it, whether she "knew" she couldn't park in the Judge's place, didn't know she couldn't, or just plain didn't care, it all amounts to one conclusion. This was clear and simple disrespect to a Jurist, and I don't believe Ms. Washington for a second. Afterall, we're all innocent when we break the law.
So she can cry all she wants, but the only injustice here is that Big Bad Bob didn't flatten all four of her tires and drive a .44 magnum bullet through the engine block. Just another person who thinks they can do whatever they want and get away with it, and when they don't, they whine and cry with righteous indignation when they are clearly in the wrong. Welcome to today's America.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thought Rape and You...
Well, whether it's grinding gears or the air being expunged from the dead horses' sphincter from getting the crap kicked out of it, it's obvious Hollywood has run out of ideas.
It seems like the only thing they can do anymore is remake something. Making movies about old Television Series is a definite favorite for them. I'm not really sure what kind of a person it takes to think they're going to take a Television Show that lasted for 100+ episodes and condense it down into a 90 minute movie and make people care. And although this has been done in the likes of Comic Book movies with some success (The Dark Knight), and some definite notable failures (Catwoman), it's very rarely accomplished with a Television Series Movie.
But no matter how annoying or just generally lame the Television to Movie gerbil mill can be, the true insult lies in remaking the Classic. Do we really need to go there?
When I was a younger man in my teens, one of the movies that I saw that still sticks out in my mind is The Hitcher. It starred Rutger Hauer, who was cool and popular at the time. (He's still cool and thanks to some Directors of my generation who are moving up in the World, he's showing up more.) The Hitcher is about a kid who is driving a rental car across country to deliver it to one of the companies' locations--a Driveaway. Along the way, he encounters a hitch-hiking drifter played by Hauer. As it turns out, he's a whackjob, and the kid has just become his new playpal. Needless to say, it gets a little ugly.
This movie is a definite Classic to me. It has pretty well stood the test of time, and is still a great movie that I pop in the DVD every now and again. It was one of those defining movies that sticks out in your mind when you hit rewind and think about the movies you saw in your life that made an impact. For me it hits marks with Highlander, Predator, Lethal Weapon, Robocop, etc. When my friends and I saw The Hitcher, we talked about it for weeks.
A few years back, Hollywood decided to remake it. I wanted to puke when I saw the remake. It was a complete waste of money. There was no noir, no substance, no heart. The only thing that really sticks out once you've viewed it, is that they had no understanding of the source material whatsoever. And the cutesy little Hollywood reversal of the lead being female instead of male disgusted me to the point that I came closer than I ever have to actually sending a scathing letter to the Director. Straight up "Uwe Boll Needs to Die" status.
Now this is only one instance of many that I use as an example, but when does this end? How long until some ignorant whelp of a Director or Hollywood Exec thinks they have what it takes to bring something newer and better to Citizen Kane, or The Godfather, or Gone With The Wind, or Vertigo? Gus Van Sant made a shot-for-shot remake of Hitchcock's Masterpiece PSYCHO for the purpose of what?
These people have lost their minds. They're all turning into a bunch of talentless hacks. Why do we need another Dracula movie? Or another Robin Hood movie? Or a remake of Dirty Harry?
Is it too hard, or too much to ask for them to:
A. Stop remaking classics.
B. Stop remaking anything.
C. Start making movies with fresh, original content.
They're turning down thousands and thousands of scripts every day so that they can do another remake of a movie that in most cases wasn't that good to begin with, but in some cases doesn't need to be remade. Period.
Kick these schlubs out and get some new blood in there.
Welcome To The Obamanation
The worst part, is that I didn't feel I was alone in this. Everyone I met, everyone I talked to seemed to feel the same way. I can't speak for the planet, but in the United States, this feeling seemed to be washing over us in a great wave.
When I met my wife, she was going through the same thing. Together, we were able to bring each other out of this malaise. Needless to say she was a definite Godsend, and she came into my life at the right time. But something happened to me along the way. I began to care again.
It was like waking up after a long sleep: Rip Van Winkle style. The things I saw enraged me. I awoke to find my country had been hijacked by the Short Bus. A bunch of smiling, window-licking, retards with big smiles and flashy suits, all running around, bumping into walls, and stealing us blind, and at their center: King Barack.

On Election Day 2008, the Liberals had finally gotten what they had been looking for: Chocolate that tastes so much like vanilla, you have to do a double-take to confirm it's still chocolate. Coming soon to your local Dairy Queen.
Something at that moment dawned on me. A revelation of infinite magnitude. Their problem with George W. Bush, was not that he was stupid and socially awkward. Their problem was that he wasn't stupid and socially awkward enough.
So on Election Day, they finally got to turn it to 11.
And just as it was in the throws of apathy, I do not feel alone in my outrage.